• The Cheery Runner

    Sunday, November 20, 2005

    Sunday Run cum Birthday Celeb for Wong

    We were surprised by the decor done by CM, EH and JC.. they reached @ 6.30am to do up the white board for Wong's Birthday.. we took a group pic before we start off.. Anton asked abt my knee, i felt abit better after the rest on thurs... Ong gave a quick briefing on the route and off we ran to Keppel-Marina South.. Kumaran and JC raced one another from the start..

    The initial part was quite ok for me and I din feel any pain on my knee.. so I did abit faster than the past few runs.. after abt 4km, i started to feel very thirsty.. whenever i stopped @ the traffic junction, i have to drink from my fuel belt.. once in Marina, i can't wait to reach Victor's superbowl.. so i can take in more water during the break... just b4 superbowl, i saw Chris walking out in pain... later we found out tt he experienced sharp pain at the side of his left foot.. just hope tt it is not Gout.. as it will affect for life....

    I met up some Sgrunners @ superbowl.. 1st time saw Sotong... wow he really very tall.. i have to tilt my head up high b4 i can see his whole face.. haha.. saw brokie, bee and tiwazz too :) i took a short break and joined the rest to the marathon U turn pt.. after the U turn pt, i felt a sharp pull at the side of my left thigh so i slowed down quite a bit and saw Ong at the junction... told him abt my pain and thirst... he told me to stop at keppel coffeshop for water break.. the weather was still quite cloudy.. and i got a can of H2O @ the coffeeshop.. 5 more km to go.... i ran with Ong, Tony, alex and andre back to the club..

    After the run, we have a Birthday celebration for our fav member, Wong.. @ the club, we were treated with nice cake and refreshments from Cm, Yean and Adam.. then went for our 2nd rd celebration @ Hotel Miramar hotel for buffet.. we had a great time sharing all the jokes and nice food... haha but very sinful, i ate more than i ran.. kakaka

    Distance covered: 20km __ Timing: 2:20:37


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