• The Cheery Runner

    Tuesday, January 06, 2009

    TB Hill sets

    Did 6 sets of TB hill loops today.. just couldn't get e right kick today.. tried hard to push but legs just cldn't coordinate.. dragging myself loop after loop.. felt pain on the outer side of right knee after the run..

    Conclusion: simply too lazy n rested for too long during hols.. oops..
    Task: how to keep my mind motivated to complete all the sets???

    Set 1: 6:01:77
    Set 2: 6:14:63
    Set 3: 6:26:61
    Set 4: 6:45:61
    Set 5: 6:58:80
    Set 6: 7:17:42

    Thursday, January 01, 2009

    1st Run in 2009

    Did a 13km run with dear today.. SK-Punggol-Fernvale-YCK-Hougang.. manage to keep the pace throughout.. weather is nice.. cool n cloudy :) finish in 1hr20mins..